VIDEO: Veterans Retire Over Five Hundred Flags

TUPELO, Miss. (WCBI)-  It is no secret in the United States; the American flag is one of the most recognizable banners in the world.

This past Sunday, members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 4057 in Tupelo, MS performed their third annual flag retirement.

The process of this retirement ceremony involves burning the old, tattered flags and burying the ashes beneath a dated tombstone.

Even with the current burn ban in Lee County, city officials allowed the V.F.W. to proceed with their ceremony under the supervision of the fire department.

This isn’t the first time that natural causes have almost stopped posts from performing this ceremony.

“The American Legion used to do it, and then they were blown away by the tornado that came through three years ago. So we got together and decided that we would do it if they couldn’t do it any longer,” said Post 4057 Commander, Thomas Ginn.

There has been a lot of attention towards athletes and celebrities kneeling or sitting during the national anthem of sporting events.

While veterans respect their freedom of speech, they also believe those kneeling should show respect to those who paid the ultimate price.

“It’s very hurtful… to see the number of men and women who have given their lives to this country for our freedom… yes they have that right, but I think they’re wrong… They need to honor this flag,” said Quartermaster, Pat O’Callaghan.

The VFW aim to continue this retirement ceremony for years to come.

O’Callaghan is the designer of the memorial that holds all of the headstones and claimed that he has space for up to thirty more stones.

Categories: Local News

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