Video: The Veterans Choice Card
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STARKVILLE, Miss.(WCBI)–The Veterans Administration is reminding veterans of the choice card. Veterans Access, Choice and Accountability Act of 2014 in response to mounting concerns of access barriers for veterans seeking health care.
Veterans who have served in uniform should have quick access to medical care when needed, the card issued by the U. S. Department of Veterans Affairs is key to opening the door to medical services.
“Veterans are allowed to access facilities if they are more than 40 miles away and also if the VA determines tat hey, you haven’t been seen in 30 days; they’ll send you out to a contracted medical facility to get the services,” said Ammiana Kenard/Veterans Service Officer.
Those services include primary care, inpatient care, outpatient care, and mental health care needs. In addition to using the card in an emergency, the veteran may pre-scheduale an appointment with special group providers.
“So, they’ll contact the veteran, They’ll go through that with the veteran. And they’ll receive a packet in the mail as to, you know about the facility they are going to see. And if there are any copay before they actually go to the appointment,” Ammiana Kenard/Veterans Service Officer said.”
The benefit to veterans…..quick backup medical care, when they are not at the VA in either Tuscaloosa, Birmingham, or Jackson.
“A medical emergency and you are waiting more than 30 days, that’s not what the actual Patient Center for Community Care Provider wants people to sit and wait for. So that act was for in 2014 that ensure that veterans don’t have to wait for emergency care services or anything that they might need,” said Ammiana Kenard.
Veterans who are still without a choice card may contact the veterans representative in your area or call 1-877-222-VETS(8387).
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