Video: Strict Laws for Natchez Trace Parkway
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LEE COUNTY, Miss. (WCBI) – If you shoot a deer on the Natchez Trace Parkway you could face up to a five thousand dollar fine and some time in jail.
The Parkway set up a special exhibit today as part of National Junior Ranger Day and “Celebrate Wildlife Weekend” at the Visitors Center. Ranger Jonathan Williams showed those in attendance about how they enforce strict laws related to deer hunting, including using an amatronic deer to fool hunters into thinking they’ve shot the real thing
“Hunting on the Parkway is prohibited in all fashions. You aren’t allowed to shoot anything on the roadway. So what we do when we set that deer up, if people have a tendency to spotlight it or if they want to shoot it on the parkway, which sometimes we have caught people doing, at least when they shoot the amatronic deer it’s not a real deer. So we can catch them in the act of doing that and enforce the laws here on the Parkway as well as the state of Mississippi,” says U.S. Park Ranger Jonathan Williams.
The deer display was just one exhibit at Wildlife Weekend 2013 that allowed members of the Junior Rangers to earn stamps on their scavenger hunt. The event was sponsored by the National Park Service.
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