Video: Speaker Addresses Consequences of Substance Abuse with CHS, NHHS Students
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LOWNDES COUNTY, Miss. (WCBI) — Some Lowndes County students are learning the importance of making good life decisions.
Today, the Columbus Junior Auxiliary hosted the “Choose Your Path” presentation at Caledonia High School.
Speaker Bobby Gordon’s “The Right Mix and Beyond Alcohol: The Other Drug Category” drove home the the consequences of using illegal drugs and abusing prescription drugs using research and facts, rather than scare tactics.
“The message is not that drugs are good or bad, or right or wrong, or that alcohol is good or bad or right or wrong,” Gordon said. “It’s, ‘Here is some of the consequences of what may happen if you choose to use.’ And consider those as real factual information to help you make better choices.”
The Junior Auxiliary also hosted the program at New Hope High School this morning.
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