Video: Senator Wicker Speaks Out About Ricin Letter
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JACKSON, Miss. (WCBI) – Mississippi Senator Roger Wicker is praising national law enforcement officials for the way they handled the Boston Marathon terrorist attack and the discovery of a ricin-laced letter sent to his office.
The Republican lawmaker was in the national spot light after a letter arrived at a special U.S. postal screening facility in Maryland where the ricin was detected and never reached his office. A subsequent investigation led to the arrest of Paul Kevin Curtis of Corinth in connection with the incident. Wicker told WCBI News today, the system worked.
“We have some very very talented law enforcement people that are protecting us and 99 times out of a hundred, there are successful. Occasionally something gets through. In the case of the postal service in Washington D.C. the system worked beautifully,” says Wicker.
Curtis Began his preliminary hearing in federal court on Friday and it will continue on Monday.
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