Video: New Cop On The Beat
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COLUMBUS, Miss. (WCBI)-The Columbus Police Department has just brought on board six new officers. For one of the new recruits just finishing up law enforcement training in Pearl its a dream come true. The new police woman was once a member of the department’s explorer program.
“She said like no its a robbery in progress get in get in get in. And we are hauling down Hwy 45 and I’m sitting here and I’m looking like oh my goodness,” said Beunca Jones-Johnson, CPD.
The 5 foot three petite attractive wife and mother who has just graduated from the police academy is describes a recent experience. Just weeks on the force she finds herself in a squad car headed to the scene of a robbery at Rite Aid Pharmacies in Columbus. Officer Beunca Jones-Johnson feels confident her training has prepared her both physically and mentally to perform her duties.
“It was a very exciting moment you know you get that adrenaline rush, your heart beating real fast cause you are like what do I do, what do I do. Especially being new, only my second week on the force and I’m like oh my goodness,” said Jones-Johnson
As a teenage explorer with the department, the rookie cop became fascinated with law enforcement much earlier than that….figure age six and you’d be correct.
“We were at my grandmother’s house we would play you know cops and robbers and I would always end up being the cop somehow. I was never the bad guy so I think early on that it was predestined for me to do this.”
So whats next for this recruit having just gone through ten grueling weeks of training to receive her graduation certificate….maybe something behind the desk at the Columbus Municipal Complex.
“I’ll be behind the seat of my patrol car, the seat of my patrol car is my desk if you want to put it lightly. I’ll be a basic patrolman, starting out as basic patrolman just patrolling the area. Patrolling the beats that I’m assigned to,” said Jones-Johnson.
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