Video: NEMCC-Blue Cross & Blue Shield Foundation Of Mississippi Continue Fitness Partnership
BOONEVILLE, MISS. (WCBI) – As president of Northeast Mississippi Community College, Dr. Ricky Ford believes in leading by example.
That’s why he was battling the ropes in front of the campus fountain during the lunch hour.
“Fitness and nutrition is a very important part of Northeast’s plan,” Dr. Ford said.
The “fitNEss” initiative is supported by the Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Mississippi Foundation. A grant totaling $313,915 was awarded to NEMCC as students and faculty tackled the exercise equipment set up for the ceremony.
“It’s about taking those small steps daily to make a difference in each individual’s life with respect to health and wellness,” said Sheila Grogan, with Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Mississippi Foundation.
This is the second grant from the Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Mississippi Foundation. Last year a$308,615 grant paid for new equipment at the Burgess Activity Center. This new grant will help expand physical fitness education throughout the entire community.
“We will extend it into elementary schools, K through 12 actually, we will start with elementary schools, actually have already started that, the kids love it, administration loves it,” said Joseph Pennington, director of the Fitness Center.
NEMCC students appreciate the emphasis on physical fitness.
“It’s fun and more people should come out and do it,” said NEMCC Student Callie Irving.
“Healthy is a good thing for the body and stuff, you got to keep healthy,” said NEMCC Student Faithful Flowers.
The Blue Cross and Blue Shield Foundation of Mississippi provides similar grants to universities and colleges throughout the state.
First responders and public school teachers can use NEMCC’s gym free of charge through the fitness initiative.
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