VIDEO: MS Supervisors Meet For Fall Conference
STARKVILLE, Miss. (WCBI)- Mississippi county supervisors came from all over the state to meet for their Fall Conference in Starkville today.
Various topics were discussed and a multitude of workshops were being offered.
Volunteer Fire stations, road work, and the new labor law were just some of the discussions supervisors were having Tuesday at their Fall Conference. Some topics bringing about more questions than others.
“Dozens of questions! I believe they would’ve been asking all day, which is good. There’s a new rule taking into effect under the new labor standards act, December the first that takes the threshold 23-thousand dollars and doubles it to 47-thousand-dollars and counties and their budgeting are gonna have to deal with that, immediately,” says attorney Danny Griffith.
Danny Griffith is an attorney and explains how the law is being enforced from a federal level.
It raised a series a questions from supervisors asking about specifics to the law.
“The majority of the questions now were about actually overtime, you know and if that employee is making over the 48-thousand-dollars a year… you know overtime, those types of things,” says Oktibbeha County Supervisor Bricklee Miller.
This is going to force some counties to re-think some current methods.
“I think Lowndes County does a pretty good job but as these changes go into effect, we’re going to have to go back and evaluate what we do,” says Lowndes County Supervisor Leroy Brooks.
However, Miller says her county is already prepared for the change.
“We’ve already taken care of all that; so there’s no concerns on us having any changes at this point,” says Miller.
Miller and Brooks agree that these conferences are valuable for several reasons
“We get to network and interact and share different issues that’s affecting our county, and I think that’s one of the greatest things because everyone has a different story that if you move around enough you’ll find an answer to your problem,” says Brooks.
“Actually sitting with another supervisor that’s maybe doing something a little better than what you’re doing and talk to them to see how you can make your county better,” says Miller.
Mississippi Association of Supervisors hold conferences twice a year.
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