Video: Mississippi Law To Help Prevent Distracted Driving
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Columbus, Miss. (WCBI) — The state of Mississippi will attempt to prevent distracted driving with a new law that goes into effect July 1st of this year.
AT%T research says that 7 in 10 drivers engage in activity while driving. The survey also says 1 in 7 of those drivers are scrolling through Twitter and more than a quarter are checking their Facebook, making Facebook the most common amongst social media.
Most drivers in the area had a common response to distracted driving.
“I think it’s a real problem and unfortunately not with the young people…”, says Stacey Williams, “…its with everybody because you see adults doing it also.”
While many agree that distracted driving is an issue, some know the unfortunate outcome of when it isn’t prevented.
“…my cousin was driving while he was texting and luckily no one got hurt but the car rolled three times…”, says Justin Cobb, “…it’s not something I want to experience or see other people experience again.”
“My sophomore year, he wasn’t the one texting and driving, someone else was distracted and ran into him…”, says Melissa Williams, “…and unfortunately it cost him his life. So even if its not your life that’s in danger you’re endangering other people as well.”
The new law will be attempt to curb cell phone use while driving by making it illegal to use the phone at any point operating a vehicle.
“It’s just another measure…to make people pay attention to when they’re driving…”, says Mississippi Highway Patrol Master Sergeant Criss Turnipseed, “…prevent them from driving carelessly or recklessly.”
Turnipseed also says the law is to help law enforcement keep up with the changes in technology inside automobiles and to help limit the dangers of distractions.
A violation of the new cell phone use law will result in a twenty five dollar fine for offenders.
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