Video: Meth Labs in Mississippi
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ABERDEEN, Miss. (WCBI) It can wreck your life, your looks and land you in jail, but people are cooking and using meth, every day, in Mississippi. Authorities say tougher laws have cut down on its production, but meth labs still don’t seem to be going away.
“There’s no way to control it, no way to stop it. If it’s an addiction problem, people who are addicted to it and they want it are going to find it. And there’s going to always be somebody to sell it to them,” said Lowndes County Narcotics Director Bobby Grimes.
The notoriously addictive drug methamphetamine is nothing new, here. Two years ago, Mississippi passed a law making sudafed, one of the main ingredients in meth, only obtainable through a doctor’s prescription.
“They’ve knocked down the overall methamphetamine labs in Mississippi probably 75% in the past year,” said Grimes.
While Mississippi is one of the only states in the nation with restrictions of pseudoephedrine, meth labs are still turning up on a regular basis.
“We live here on the Alabama line. A lot of people are going over and buying sudafed and other material in Alabama which is evidently not against the law over there but it is here in our state.
And they’re bringing a lot of drug paraphernalia into our county and they’re making crystal meth with it,” said Cecil Cantrell, Monroe County Sheriff.
Sheriff Cantrell says meth will be hard to take off the streets entirely because dealers have a motivation beyond addiction.
“Meth doesn’t cost a lot of money to make, but the drug dealer not only uses it but he sells it and he makes his living that way.”
The Monroe County Sherriff’s Department has busted 5 meth labs in the county within the last two weeks.
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