Video: Master Quilter Brings History and Craft to Columbus Library
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COLUMBUS, Miss. (WCBI) – Most of us have a quilt our grandmother made. Now, there’s a study about why people make them and the economic conditions that started the tradition.
On Tuesday , life-long quilter Carol Vickers spoke at the Columbus-Lowndes Public Library. During her time as chairperson of the Mississippi Heritage Quilt Project, Vickers studied vintage quilts and helped with the publication of three books through the project.
Vickers says women make quilts for a variety of reasons, including competitions and to socialize. However, many of them have a personal touch.
“Emotionally, like a baby quilt being given to somebody. For cover in hard times. Emotional things, where you have to say goodbye to a loved one and you are given a quilt.”
Vickers says quilting was a nine billion dollar industry in the U.S. last year.
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