Video: Louisville Prepares to Dedicate Memorial to Those Who Lost Their Lives in Tornado
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LOUISVILLE, Miss. (WCBI) – A memorial to the 10 people killed in a devastating tornado a year ago is expected to be completed in time for Winston County’s one-year anniversary ceremony.
Seven flagpoles that are part of the display have been installed at Memorial Park Cemetery on Highway 397. The flagpoles and armed forces flags will be joined by 10 trees planted in honor of those who died, granite benches and a marker bearing the names of the victims. A sunflower garden in honor of Tyler Tucker, the youngest victim, also is planned along with other landscaping.
“It’s a wonderful and beautiful design. Not only as a memorial, as a tribute to the community resilience, to the lives lost…it’s also a veterans tribute.”
The dedication and memorial service are planned for 4 p.m. on the 28th.
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