Video: CSI Meets Conservation for Starkville Campers

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STARKVILLE, Miss. – (WCBI) Some Henderson Ward Stewart Elementary School students are camped out in Starkville this week. In a unique twist, they are combining energy conservation with crime scene investigation.

Campers traveled to various crime stations in a lab at Henderson Ward Stewart, hot on the trail of the killer. The mayor of a town is dead.

“He was wanting to develop some property for a road. And he had to cut down trees in order to do that. And as you might imagine there were people that were for that and people that were against it,” said Crime Scene Lab Teacher.

There were 6 suspects when the investigation began. The young detectives have pieced together the clues in the case of economic development versus the need for good conservation of natural resources. They are close to solving the case.

“Yeah we have only two suspects left. We’re very close,” said Linda Arnoldus, Crime Scene Investigator.

When it is all over, they hope to have their man in custody. At the end of the day its all just make believe.

“You get to act like a real detective, a real investigator. Its really, it feels all real,” said Arnoldus.

The conservation day camp runs all this week.

***Additional information: The Youth Environmental Science (YES!) program through Mississippi State University is offering two consecutive week-long science day camps that will take place at the Henderson Ward-Stewart Science labs July 15-19 and July 22-26th.  The camps begins each day at 8:30am and end at 4:30pm. All meals, snacks, field-trip transportation, and supplies will be included. The hands-on camp will cover topics such as wildlife, canoeing, water quality, forestry, and geology. Cost of the camp is only $20!

Space is limited to 25 for each camp and sign up will take place until July 12th. Please note that you may only sign your child up for one week of the camp. Please visit: <> to register online.


Categories: Crime, Local News

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