CAFB Airmen Honored For Community Service
COLUMBUS, Miss. (WCBI) — On behalf of the United Way, a group of airmen from two squadrons at Columbus Air Force Base received an award for their service far above and beyond the call of their regular duties.
Volunteer Columbus Director Leslie Peel presented a plaque to the the Air Traffic Control Tower and Air Traffic Control RAPCON. After the April tornado the airmen volunteered in 2013 and 2014 at Loaves And Fishes a Columbus community soup kitchen.
“Very often churches do not have enough help to serve the 300 to 400 people that come in a week to eat there and these squadrons have both stepped up when needed,” Columbus volunteer Leslie Peel said.
“Just trying to be involved in the community, just trying to help out trying to lend a helping hand when anybody is in need,” said CAFB Airman Jake Camocho
Both squadrons received the same identical community service appreciation plaque.
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