Video: Business Destroyed in April Tornado Rebuilds and Reopens
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TUPELO, Miss. (WCBI) – The first Tupelo business to be rebuilt after being destroyed by April’s tornado has reopened.
The Havoline Xpress Lube shop on North Gloster took a direct hit when the tornado tore through the area April 28th.
This morning, the business reopened after being rebuilt.The first 20 customers received free oil changes and at lunch, customers were served hamburgers and hot dogs.There were also special prizes for patrons.
Owner Randy Groover says he believes the North Gloster business district will come back better and stronger.
“I believe you will have a totally different looking area here in Tupelo before it’s over.We rebuilt, remodeled a little bit, changed the building made it look a little better.I think a lot of stuff will disappear the buildings that aren’t town down, it’s going to be great growth opportunity I think it will be really good for Tupelo.”
Customers were able to put their signatures on a sign from the business that was found miles away in the Auburn community.The sign will be displayed in the company’s offices.
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