Video: 4 County Recognizes National Linemen Appreciation Day
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COLUMBUS, Miss. (WCBI) – We see them most in the aftermath of storms and other emergencies. But power company linemen are on the job 365 days a year performing everything from basic maintenance to getting the lights back on after tornadoes and ice storms.
On Monday, 4 County Electric Power Association took time out to honor the efforts of those workers as part of National Linemen Appreciation Day. Officials from the cooperative served up a lunch of steak and all the trimmings in recognition for the work they do.
“They are kind of our first responders to any kind of trouble we have out theres. They are on the job, rain, shine, sleet, snow, tornadoes. Whatever hits, they are the first ones to get out there and get the power back on. We have to look out for each other pretty close to take care of one another. We try to watch each other’s backs as much as we can.”
4 County has a crew of 49 Linemen to service 47,000 customers over a nine county region.
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