Victim’s report lands husband in jail on domestic violence charges

PRENTISS COUNTY, Miss. (WCBI) – A Baldwyn man is in the Prentiss County Jail accused of choking a woman and holding her against her will.
Saturday, Prentiss County deputies took a walk-in report from an assault victim.
The woman said her husband had beaten her the night before at their home.
She also stated that he choked her until she was almost unconscious, then let her up, and he also took her phone and would not allow her to leave the home.
The sheriff’s office reports that she had bruising on her body and around her neck that appeared to back up her accusations.
The victim signed affidavits on her husband and warrants were issued.
A search warrant was conducted on the residence and evidence of the crime was reportedly recovered.
Deputies arrested Brian L. Flanagan of Baldwyn.
Flanagan was charged with Domestic Violence–Aggravated Assault and Kidnapping.
His bond has been set at $15o,000.