United Way says it faces ‘standstill’ in giving

GOLDEN TRIANGLE, Miss. (WCBI) – An agency dedicated to helping others is facing struggles of its own this year.

The recently expanded United Way of the Golden Triangle Region has taken in four new counties in its service area.

The expanded coverage area means partnering with more agencies, which requires more money.

However, the nonprofit’s Executive Director, Renee Sanders, describes giving as being at a “standstill” currently.

Sanders said the number one reason people give for not giving is they were “never asked”.

She said that one of her primary jobs is to be the one who asks.

“Support United Way. And, if you can’t give financially, there are the three “T’s” that you can do: You can give your ‘Talent’; you can give your ‘Time’, or you can give your ‘Treasures’. So, if you don’t have the ‘Treasures’, or funds; please, volunteer your ‘Time’ with us. Or, if you have a ‘Talent’ you can do, volunteer your talents,” said Sanders.

Sanders said while the United Way doesn’t provide direct services to individuals, those needing services can call their offices, and they will put them in touch with the agency that can best help them.

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