United Way Hands Out Food
LOWNDES COUNTY, Miss. (WCBI) – Lowndes County residents received some free groceries on Friday.
The United Way of Lowndes and Noxubee Counties hosted a drive-through food bank at the Columbus Soccer Complex.
Families had to prove they live in Lowndes County.
Volunteers loaded up cars with pantry staples.
Executive Director Renee Sanders says this drive-through is to help local people who need a little extra assistance right now.
“I believe this is one of the needs. There are so many needs for COVID. Food is always a necessity. When you are unemployed or living on disability or SSI or whatever it is. The food drive helps support it. Now it doesn’t replace it. It’s just going to supplement what you’re already getting,” said Sanders.
The first drive-through food bank in May provided groceries for more than 750 families.
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