Union County Sheriff Jimmy Edwards wins Republican Primary runoff
UNION COUNTY, Miss. (WCBI) – Union County Sheriff Jimmy Edwards said he’s thankful for the chance to serve the county another four years after a narrow win in the Republican Primary runoff.
Edwards received 2,885 votes, while challenger Chad Glasson received 2,679 votes. There was no Democrat challenger, so Edwards will start his fourth term as sheriff in January.
Edwards said his investigators and deputies will continue to keep Union County safe, and at the same time, add more deputies and increase their pay to stay competitive with other agencies.
“Well we just want to try and grow our department a little more, maybe try and get our officers a little more pay that they deserve for the work they do, grow our department, of course, public safety will always be our number one priority,” said Edwards.
Edwards said there are 15 deputies on staff at the Union County Sheriff’s Office.
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