Tupelo weathers second snow day in less than two months

City puts plans into place to deal with winter weather, while Salvation Army provides refuge from the cold

TUPELO, MISS. (WCBI) – As the snow and temperatures fell, Charlie Duke Stone sought refuge from the cold inside the Salvation Army’s Community Center.

“I am on the homeless side, so to come here and be warm and fed is quite important to me,”  Stone said.

If you didn’t have this what would you do?

“Probably turn myself in to the police or something,” he said.

For a warm place?

That’s correct,” Stone said.

More than sixty others also spent their day inside the Community Center.   Captain LeAnna Marion says once the temperature drops below 50, the Salvation Army allows people in.

“That opens at breakfast, and stays open all the way after dinner, to 5;30 or 6 o’clock, and any night it is 32 degrees or below we open cold weather sheltering,” Marion said.

While the Salvation Army was helping those who wanted to find shelter from the cold, Tupelo’s Mayor and Fire Chief were coordinating the city’s response.

“It really puts a strain on emergency services, fire, and police, they are out working wrecks, it puts them in a dangerous situation,  Public works out there pre-treating all hours of the night and it shows, we have a wonderful response, how quickly we have been able to get our roads cleared,” Mayor Jordan said.

“Having resources, equipment and personnel in place for these situations, is priceless,” said Tupelo Fire Chief Brad Robinson.

And although schools and some businesses had a snow day, it was business as usual for the train, and crosstown traffic.

The Salvation Army relies on donations to feed and house the homeless and those in need. The upcoming “Empty Bowls ” Luncheon provides funds for the meals.  The fundraiser is set for March 5, at the Tupelo Furniture Market.

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