Tupelo coach named Coach of the Year in Mississippi

Coach Teneeshia Boyd pushes students to achieve, on and off the track

TUPELO, MISS. (WCBI) – Whether she is training new runners, or veterans of cross country and track, Coach Teneeshia Boyd pushes students, helping them rise above their expectations.

Boyd was recently named the 2024 Mississippi Girls Cross Country Coach of the year by the  U S track and field and cross country coaches association.

Coach Boyd was a champion sprinter at Nettleton High School, and an eight time All American at Ole Miss.  She says being named coach of the year is confirmation of one of her principles of success.

“Hard work pays off, when we are athletes, we hear coaches say, work at it, it will pay off, same thing for coach as well, things may not go as planned always, but sometimes you have to get through the struggles and trials to get through the big awards,” Coach Boyd said.

Boyd says being a successful coach is not just about running a strong race.

“We focus on relationships, getting that trust from the ladies to trust me and I let them know, I’m not an expert,  I want them to trust and know I will be doing everything in my power to make sure they will be good runners,” Boyd said.

Students say Coach Boyd’s emphasis on building relationships helps them achieve success on and off the track.

“She is a great coach, great training, very supportive but will also push you a lot,” said Ava George, a cross-country team member.

“It helps, the relationships you make with other people learning to be part of a team, can help learn how you need to communicate with others,” said Brookelyn Morgan, a cross-country team member.

Coach Boyd says she is thankful for the top honor and looks forward to many years inspiring students to work hard and dream big.

Coach Boyd is also looking to attract larger track meets to Tupelo High School, with recent improvements to the facilities.

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