Town and Tower presents awards for annual community service

MISSISSIPPI UNIVERSITY FOR WOMEN (WCBI) – The goal of Town and Tower is to strengthen relationships among Mississippi University for Women, Columbus and Lowndes County, and the Columbus Air Force Base.
At the group’s Holiday Luncheon December 5, they took time out to honor some of the people who go the extra mile for their community.
Town and Tower presented its annual Service Awards.
For this year’s Community Service Award recipient, Lieutenant Rhonda Sanders of the Lowndes County Sheriff’s Office, the honor came as a surprise.
It also comes at her busiest time of the year. Along with her duties at the Lowndes County Sheriff’s Office, Sanders serves in a leadership role with the Community Benefit Committee.
Both organizations just finished a turkey giveaway at Thanksgiving and are working to make Christmas brighter for area foster children and the children of trustees at the Lowndes County Jail.
“I love this community. I’m from Columbus, Lowndes County, and I want to give as much as I can back to our community. Yes, I love our city, love our county,” said Sanders.
Along with the Community Service Award, Town and Tower also presented Campus and Special Service Awards.