Tolerable heat ending soon, humidity increases mid-week

COLUMBUS, Mississippi (WCBI) – Temperatures will stay at or just above average over the next several days, but humidity levels will build. Rain chances should follow suit as well.

MONDAY NIGHT: Expect a mostly fair sky with low temperatures in the upper 60s to low 70s – staying pleasant!

TUESDAY: A mix of sun and clouds is in store as highs reach the middle 90s area-wide – slightly hotter than previous days. A rogue shower is possible closer to the Delta, but we expect our corner of the state to stay dry.

REST OF WEEK: A stalling front along with persistent troughing suggest a slightly more unsettled weather pattern. We’ll see a chance for showers as early as Wednesday morning, but the general trend will be for the better chance of any scattered rain & storms to be each afternoon. Depending on the exact position of the front and mid-level ridge of high pressure, we may see potential for a few stronger storm clusters at some point as well. Stay tuned!


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