‘The Funeral is Cancelled’ event makes a stop in Aberdeen

The event was created by Pastor Lawrence Levy III in the hopes of sparking change in communities after recent gun violence incidents.

ABERDEEN, Miss. (WCBI) – The Aberdeen community was brought together in the fight against gun violence.

“The Funeral is Cancelled” event recently made a stop in West Point.

Delores Badie was inspired to help bring the event to her town after seeing the impact it had in West Point.

“It may not be as severe here in Aberdeen but one life lost is enough so what I’m hoping is with us bringing it to Aberdeen that Columbus will bring them take them to Columbus, Tupelo, and just even go outside of Mississippi because there is so much violence and gun violence and it’s all nonsense,” Badie said.

The event was created by Pastor Lawrence Levy III in the hopes of sparking change in communities after recent gun violence incidents.

He said it is encouraging to see how it has grown.

“It’s a beautiful thing from where it first started to right now and seeing all of the people that support it and seeing all of the people that are out it’s beautiful. I would’ve never imagined it but I definitely had the faith and belief that God would bring it to what he wanted it to be,” Levy said.

Cubby Garth was on the committee that brought “The Funeral is Cancelled” to Aberdeen.

He said they want to make an impact on the community’s children.

“With the recent gun violence and everything that is going on around here not just in Aberdeen but the whole area and the whole state of Mississippi and everywhere, it’s very vital that these kids know that they are not alone. They need to go in a different direction and a visual of what they are heading into and what they are doing is something they need to see and they need to see the emotions on other people’s faces to know what they are doing to themselves and their community,” Garth said.

Overall, Badie hopes the event brings her community together and sparks change.

“What I am hoping that this will do for the community at large is to bring change, is bring change to our community and bring the community together, pray that it will just bring us all together,” Badie said.

The event took place at General Young Park in Aberdeen.

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