Temperature relief coming in quick

COLUMBUS, Mississippi (WCBI) – After a very toasty beginning to our week, there is some relief heading into the forecast! Temperatures drop slightly for a few days, with much less humidity. It will be quick though, enjoy it while you can!

MONDAY NIGHT: Cold front will be moving into northern Mississippi from the NW through this evening and overnight. Behind the boundary, we can expect to have slightly cooler temperatures and much more comfortable air. Temperatures tonight will be in the low to middle 70s. A few showers may be possible along the passing front.


TUESDAY: The relief arrives! Showers from overnight will clear out, followed by the cloud coverage the rest of the morning. Temperatures will have about a 10 degree difference if not more from Monday afternoon. High temperatures are expected to only reach into the middle to upper 80s. Humidity levels will be staying lower, allowing it to feel nicer outdoors. Tuesday evening is looking amazing compared to months of warm and muggy conditions. Low temperatures will be heading towards the low to middle 60s.

WEDNESDAY: The nicer conditions will be continuing for the middle of the week. Temperatures will be maintaining in the middle 80s. High pressure system, moving in over the Deep South, will keeping the sky very clear and incredibly sunny! Get out and enjoy the beautiful weather, as it will not last long. Ending much faster than any of us would wish 🙁

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