TELLIS TRIAL : Thursday testimony reveals name of mystery man

BATESVILLE (WCBI) – Prosecutors revealed the name of the mystery man spotted at the Jessica Chambers crime scene during Thursday morning testimony.   He is Courtland resident Willie Taylor.  Taylor was spotted at the scene shortly after paramedics arrived and was asked to leave the area.  He says he heard the sirens and went to the site to make certain his daughter was not  involved    Prosecutors have known his identity since shortly after the December 2014 crime but did not share it because they did not think it would be an issue during trial.   Taylor is a long haul truck driver so prosecutors want to call his wife to the stand to verify the reason he went to the scene.   The defense objected to her testimony as hearsay so the judge is taking her appearance under advisement.

The jury is now on a tour of the various locations that have been mentioned in the trial.

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