Suspects arrested in Lafayette County for alleged copper wire theft

LAFAYETTE COUNTY, Miss. (WCBI) – Several people are facing charges in Lafayette County for stealing copper wire.
Over the last six months, the Lafayette County Sheriff’s Office has taken several reports of stolen AT&T utility wires throughout the county.
Through the investigation, the sheriff’s office developed several suspects who were scrapping copper wire in north Mississippi.
On July 3, two of the suspects, 47-year-old Kevin Smith of Sardis and 37-year-old Lisa Nissen of Batesville were arrested on a traffic stop in Lamar County.
The third suspect, 39-year-old Timothy Nissen of Batesville, Lisa Nissen, and Smith were charged with grand larceny.
Timothy Nissen and Smith were issued a $25,000 bond each by a Lafayette County justice court, while Lisa Nissen was issued a $15,000 bond.
This is an ongoing investigation throughout several counties in north Mississippi.
If you have any information on any utility wire theft, contact the Lafayette County Sheriff’s Office or your local law enforcement.