Super Summer Weekend

CLINTON, Miss. (WCBI) – More than 1,200 high school students from across the state spent the past week learning how to be better leaders in their church youth groups, schools, and communities.

It’s part of the annual event known as “Super Summer” and WCBI’s Allie Martin was at Mississippi College where it all took place.

From the moment students arrive at Mississippi College, they are immersed in the “Super Summer” experience.

Students at Super Summer spend months meeting a long list of requirements, so they can take part in the evangelism and leadership conference. It’s one of the many things that makes Super Summer unlike any other camp.

Participants are grouped into schools according to the number of years they have attended and their age. Each individual school has a distinct color, and they meet throughout the day studying topics such as world religions, evangelism, character issues and other topics. They break off into groups led by young adults to talk about topics discussed. Pastors say it’s encouraging to see teenagers with a deep hunger for spiritual growth and to see long term results.

“Green School, I love how it’s the largest group, and yet you can still go out into small groups, and get to know each other, I like to see them all coming together in small groups, praying, discussing what we just talked about, I really like how they just all come together as one,” said Austin Kimbrough.

“The girl leading worship this week was in my youth group at a different church and she’s come back leading worship this year, I’ve had another student actually preached the Word this week to all the students, it’s just amazing, it also shows that God is the key ingredient,” said Nathan Fitts.

For many students, worship and Bible study each evening is the favorite part of their week at Super Summer.

Students say Super Summer is a lot of fun, but more importantly, they learn how to live out their Christian faith wherever they go.

“The biggest takeaway I’ve learned from this week was how intimate our relationship is with Jesus and how we get to share that relationship with Him everyday,” said Emory Stevens.

“I keep coming back because I’m surrounded by fellow believers who believe the same things that I do and encourage me in my walk of faith, they’re such great people, I found my roommate for college here,” said Adrienne Hildenbrand.

Many students say they have already blocked out next year’s dates for Super Summer.

“Oh my gosh, I will definitely be back.”

Categories: Local News

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