Summertime could mean more injuries for your pet
WEST POINT, Miss. (WCBI) – Great weather means more time outdoors for family and furry friends and outdoor time could mean more injuries for those pets.
“When you’re planning a trip, plan for your pet also,” Dr. Emerson said.
West Point veterinarian Dr. Karen Emerson said those outside excursions can be harmful to an animal.
“Over the weekend, we had several emergencies, that I did see. And one was a snake bite, and some of these others are just standard things that can occur,” Emerson said.
Emerson said among the many dangers that pose a threat are insects and other animals.
“Ticks cause very, very, bad diseases and we are seeing so many more of those, especially during this summer. So it’s so important to have your pet protected. Snakes are not only just our roads, guys, but they’re also right there in your backyard and they’re right there in your front door. So make sure you keep your grass good around your house,” Emerson said.
While pet owners believe that tick bites may be the most harmful for their pets, veterinarians say pet owners need to look out for rat poisoning during the summer.
“Any dog, we worry about getting rat bait at all. Any amount. We try to decontaminate them as best as possible, but these little dogs that tend to get up under neither the beds and different smaller areas where rat bait tends to be, are definitely more at risk of having those side effects and it doesn’t take much,” Dr. Janzen said.
Dr. Ashley Janzen says that with more rats out in the summer, it’s important to exterminate.
“You can actually buy a lockbox and it’s just a plastic maze basically that the rat has to go in themselves and the chunk of rat bait is in the middle. But it’s supposed to be completely dog-proof, it’s very firm, heavy-duty,” Janzen said.
And as the temperature rises, Dr. Emerson said dogs need a place to keep cool and hydrated.
“I always recommend for people to have a dog house for their pets to get in, have a shaded shelter. If they can, also, have a kiddie pool out there. Keep fresh water in it daily and make sure your dogs have access to fresh water, and if they don’t have a dog house, get them into the shade,” Emerson said.
Finally, even though a dip in your favorite watering hole can help keep your dog cool, remember they are just as prone to drowning as humans.
“Boating is a big thing in our area. So it’s very important not only important for you to wear your life vest, but for your pets to have a life vest. You would be shocked at the animals we’ve had come in and have almost drowned from jumping off the boat and the owners not being able to get to them,” Emerson said.
Emerson Animal Hospital has the Rattlesnake vaccine available to dogs if you want to protect your pet from harmful bites.
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