Study group meets to discuss issues impacting women, children and families

JACKSON, Miss. (WLBT) – Sources from WLBT state that a Senate study committee that’s the result of looking for ways to best support women, children, and families in the wake of Roe v. Wade being overturned is still at work two years later.
“The one thing that we know when we look at anything when it comes to state laws, [is that] it’s never just cut and dry,” said chair Sen. Nicole Boyd. “It’s always everything is in the nuances. You have to get really into the weeds when you start looking at changes because you want the impact and the changes you make to be successful.”
Finding ways to improve the state’s collection of child support is one discussion point. The Department of Human Services is trying to figure out how to maximize the amount families are getting.
They’ll again ask lawmakers to approve more diversions to child support like they have with the lottery. They’re suggesting doing the same insurance recoveries and casino winnings.
“When a parent wins, the child wins by getting part of those winnings,” said DHS Executive Director Bob Anderson. “Hoping we can get these through to the finish line again under that notion of trying to find every potential source of recovery for children.”
Meanwhile, state employees don’t get paid maternity leave.
“There were more options available to women than we really actually did realize, but I think we’ll be continuing to kind of look at this issue and study this issue,” noted Sen. Boyd.
There’s no limit on the accrued leave time for any employees now and adding a designated maternity or parental leave could impact what’s paid out once they retire.
“The biggest admonition I would give you [is] it’s more important for you to talk to PERS about what the impact is on this as much as it is to the from the appropriation side of it,” said State Personnel Board Executive Director Kelly Hardwick.
A bill to add maternity leave has been filed but not passed in the last several sessions.
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