Students at New Hope High School remember friend and classmate lost over the weekend


Students and staff at New Hope High School are remembering a student killed over the weekend.

This morning, students met at the school’s flag pole to honor the life of 18-year-old Abria Harris.

She was shot Saturday afternoon. 20-year-old Dietrix Cunningham is charged with murder.

Some students left flowers in her memory and led a prayer service.

New Hope High School principal Matt Smith says Harris was returning this school year after going to school in another district the past two years.

He says their focus right now is allowing a space for students to grieve and heal.

The student body at New Hope High School is broken right now and we appreciate all the love and support that this community and the entire county has shown for our students and this family. She had just started back with us this year after being gone. Well liked and popular student among her peers. Just a tragic tragic thing to have a beautiful life snuffed out so early in life.

Smith says more than 15 ministers and counselors were at the school this morning for counseling.


Categories: Local News