Straight Pride organizer calls his group “peaceful racists”

A city council meeting in Modesto, California this week turned heated as citizens, business owners and a group calling itself the National Straight Pride Coalition debated the group’s plans for a “Straight Pride” event in the city. 

During the debate Wednesday, Don Grundmann, founder and director of the National Straight Pride Coalition, tried to make a case for holding the event celebrating heterosexuality. Some in the crowd booed as Grundmann tried to defend his group. Then he made a gaffe that suddenly had the audience laughing out loud. 

“We’re a peaceful group, we wanted to have a meeting, celebration of life. We’re attacked as racists,” Grundmann said. Then he declared, “We’re a totally peaceful racist group!” 

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The entire meeting erupted in laughter at Grundmann’s blunder.  Video posted by the Modesto Bee captures the moment.

Tensions run high at Modesto’s council meeting as Straight Pride organizers go on defense by The Modesto Bee on YouTube

The video shows one city council member hide her face in her hands and turn her chair around to hide her laughter.

The room had been booing Grundmann, but the gaffe triggered even louder cheers and jeers from the crowd. Grundmann tried to finish his speech as attendees clapped and screamed, but couldn’t get much else out.

In June — LGBTQ Pride Month — a group of three men applied for permission to host a “Straight Pride Parade” in Boston. The group’s permit application was approved, and the organizers have set their date for August 31, according to CBS Boston.

Now, the city of Modesto is weighing whether or not to give the National Straight Pride Coalition a permit for their event. The proposal no longer includes a parade, the Office of the City Manager’s Community and Media Relations Officer Thomas W. Reeves confirmed.

The organizers informed the city of the change, and “are in the process for asking for confirmation with new flyers,” Thomas said. The permit for the “Straight Pride” event is, however, still being considered by the city. It would be held August 24 in Graceada Park, pending permit approval, CBS Sacramento reports.

One of Modesto’s largest employers and the world’s biggest winery, E & J Gallo Wineries, has condemned the proposed event, as have many Modesto residents. 

Grundmann said the event is his group’s cultural answer to their opponents, who he described as “anyone that supports the LGBTQ lifestyle,” according to CBS Sacramento. 

Mayor Ted Brandvold and other city officials said allowing the straight pride event would not constitute a city endorsement of hate speech, the Modesto Bee reports. Brandvold assured the crowd of both “straight pride” supporters and protesters that the council would be considering a resolution condemning intolerant rhetoric.

Categories: National, US & World News

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