State Board of Education votes to move MSMS to MSU


COLUMBUS, Miss. (WCBI) – The Mississippi State Board of Education is recommending a new home for the Mississippi School for Mathematics and Science.

In February, the SBE requested proposals from both Mississippi University for Women, the school’s current home, and Mississippi State University, to show how they could enhance the high school’s education programs.

On Thursday, the Mississippi State Board of Education voted to recommend moving the Mississippi School for Mathematics and Science from its longtime home on the Mississippi University for Women campus to Mississippi State University.

Columbus Mayor Keith Gaskin believes the city is the best location for the residential high school.

“It’s very upsetting and disappointing, but we’re not going to give in. We’re going to continue to push to make sure that MSMS remains here in Columbus where it belongs,” said Gaskin.

Gaskin said the smaller size of The W’s campus helps the high school students better prepare to transition to college.

He encouraged the community to reach out to state lawmakers before the legislature makes its final decision.

“This is the time to be calling and emailing all the representatives, all the senators, the governor, lieutenant-governor, everybody in Jackson, with their concerns,” said Gaskin.

Trip Hairston, President of the Lowndes County Board of Supervisors, also supports MSMS staying in its current location.

However, he said the SBE’s decision was not unexpected.

“It comes of no surprise to me. We knew that this was going to happen from day one,” said Hairston.

He believes the request for proposals was skewed in favor of MSU due to the brief public comment review window.

The final decision is up to the Mississippi Legislature.

“We’re at the legislature’s mercy. I hope that they don’t do anything like that this session. I hope that cooler heads can prevail. It would give us an opportunity through the summer and before the next session, to really address this issue,” said Hairston.

The deadline for the request for general bills has passed.

The State Legislative Session ends on April 6.

This afternoon, Mississippi State University released a statement saying:

“Mississippi State University is pleased that the State Board of Education saw the obvious merit in the proposal they requested from us.

If authorized by the Mississippi Legislature, we look forward to providing an exceptional experience for students chosen to attend MSMS.”

If the Legislature accepts the recommendation, changes can go into effect for the 2026-2027 school year.

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