Starkville creates own panhandling ordinance after Tupelo

STARKVILLE, Miss. (WCBI) – The city of Starkville may have something to say about panhandling.

It’s an old-fashioned term, but panhandlers are defined as people who ask strangers for money.

Some residents and visitors to Starkville said they had been approached by individuals looking for handouts.

And, while some people just need a hand, others may be more aggressive.

Starkville has created its own panhandling ordinance, using a Tupelo code as the blueprint.

At the city’s next two board meetings, residents can participate in public hearings on the order.

After that, it’s up to the board of Aldermen.

Mayor Lynn Spruill said this provides guidance to everyone.

“Hopefully, it will offer the proper structure for those who wish to be outside and ask for assistance or communicate with the public, with residents, etc. But it will also make sure that our public knows that they have recourse if there is someone they feel is causing concern for them. So, it’s just a little bit more enforcement in addressing the more aggressive nature of some of the people that we have had that have caused concern among our community,” said Spruill.

The next board meeting is August 6.

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