Sheriff warns public about scams targeting seniors in Lee Co.

LEE COUNTY, Miss. (WCBI)— The Lee County Sheriff’s Office wants to warn the public about scams targeting senior citizens.
The scammers will contact an individual through unsolicited emails, texts, or phone calls, directing victims to fake websites or apps resembling legitimate financial institutions.
The victims are then told their checking, or savings account is having issues, and that they must secure funds by withdrawing cash.
the scammers will instruct the victim to deposit large cash amounts into Bitcoin, or an atm. If the victim does not comply the scammers will threaten financial or criminal repercussions.
The department reminds the community to ignore random calls, texts, and emails.
Never send funds to an unknown recipient, and always verify issues with your bank through official contact methods.
To find out more on how to identify red flags visit the Lee County Sheriff’s Department’s Facebook page.