Severe heat can have severe risks: How to be safe outside

GOLDEN TRIANGLE, Miss. (WCBI) – It is now officially Summer, but we have already been dealing with high temperatures, and this weekend is setting up to be another scorcher.

So, if you have outdoor plans, you should also take precautions.

Temperatures this weekend are expected to be in the high 90’s.

Factor in the humidity, and it will likely feel like it’s in the triple digits.

For people that have to – or want to – be outside, it’s important to take precautions.

Martin Casteen see the heat as another challenge in his exercise program.

“The earliest I try to come is 10 ‘o’clock but most of the time I’m here anywhere from 12 to 1 or 1:30 is when I start. Once again, that’s the hottest part of the day but that’s when I like it.”

Kenna Mosley said she also likes to exercise in the heat.

“If you are a sweating type of person like I am, I love to sweat. I usually come out if I’m not working, I’ll come out in the evening when it’s like a good hot outside. But here at the track you don’t have really have to worry about that because you have a lot of shade so it’s not really much to worry about it’s just the humidity and it really just depends on you and how you feel in the heat.”

But, even for those who are used to it, this weather can increase the chances of heat exhaustion and even heat stroke.

People should be aware of the signs of heat exhaustion, like dizziness, thirst, heavy sweating, nausea, and weakness.

When those come with confusion or a loss of consciousness, then that could be heat stroke.

Nurse Practitioner Mollie Cornelius said it’s important to know the difference and to know what to do.

“If you’re experiencing symptoms of heat exhaustion like the dizziness, nausea, high rate, you need to stop and get into a cool place. Apply cold compresses and start to sip on some cool water. If they’re concerned of a heat stroke they need to get the cool compresses but go to the emergency room.”

Cornelius said it is good to continue to stay hydrated on a daily basis not just when you are in the heat.

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