Safety concerns grow over Columbus Homeless

COLUMBUS, Miss. (WCBI)- If you’ve taken a walk in downtown Columbus recently, you might have been stopped by someone asking for money.

But some of these people are starting to become more daring and even aggressive.

It is something most people take for granted, a roof over their head.

In Columbus some people aren’t so fortunate but trying to help them could be harmful to you.

Homelessness is nothing new for the City of Columbus. Some people are down on their luck. Others may suffer from mental illness or drug addiction.

But lately, there have been reports of people living on the street becoming more persistent, even aggressive.

“It’s becoming more of a nuisance because people they’re pretty regular the businesses are calling about them hanging out at their business badgering customers asking customers from money blocking the entryways, blocking the doors,” said Chief Fredrick Shelton.

Many in the Friendly City want to help these people by giving them money or food. Glenda Buckhalter says don’t.

“I would say don’t approach them because I can guarantee you most of the agencies that are doing social work, as I do. They have already had encounters with them. Most of all the agencies have already offered their services sometimes people don’t take them and so when you see them out it’s not that we have not reached out too,” said Buckhalter.

And some of them may not be what they appear.

“People that are on the run can disguise themselves as a homeless person and be there, and there are people that we have helped that we found out that they have active warrants out on them and they are the people that we tend to not to be as helpful with,” said Chief Shelton.

The best thing you can do is try to ignore them and pay attention to what is going on around you.

“Just want to say be aware of your surroundings because every person that acts like they’re homeless they may just be trying to get up to you. To rob you or to rape you or just to hurt you and some other kind of way. So the best thing to do is go through the proper agencies, and we can vet them properly, and if they truly need help then we will find help for them,” said Buckhalter.

The City of Columbus does offer programs to help those living on the street.

“We will actually take these people and take them to a hotel. We have food bags that we can give them we will help them and also during the week we have the fishes and loaves that is open during lunchtime and will give them a ride down there and get them a hot meal during the week,” said Chief Shelton.

Chief Shelton says if someone is bothering you or your company don’t confront them yourself. Call 911 so they can come out and handle the situation.

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