Road workers try to beat the heat
OKTIBBEHA COUNTY,Miss.(WCBI) – The entire WCBI viewing area is under a heat advisory Tuesday, the heat index could reach 110.
For people who make a living working outside, it can be a dangerous time of year.
You can very easily be overcome by working outside, in fact, emergency rooms are already seeing patients.
Experts said taking a few minutes to cool off, find shade and rest can save your life.
When there’s heat and humidity – sweat usually follows.
For some, the heat is nearly unbearable.
“Be running sweat, it’s like you pouring water off you,” said road worker Marvin Daily.
This time of year, Oktibbeha County Road Department workers can spend eight hours working in temperatures over 90 degrees.
Crews make sure they find a way to stay hydrated.
“Water, Gatorade, Powerade,” said road worker Casey Hairston.
“Trying to stay in the shade, keep water, Gatorade,” said Daily.
Health and Safety Coordinator Thomas Smith makes sure there are rules in place to keep workers from getting overheated.
“We try to take as many breaks as possible. We actually implemented some extra break during the day, especially the guys on the ground, we’re taking a few extra breaks just to get in the air conditioning. If there’s no air conditioning available find some shade and just kind of cool off a little bit,” said Smith.
With the heat index hovering around 105, it doesn’t take long for someone to become ill.
Working as a team is how this crew makes it through the day.
“We got to keep an eye on each other and we promote that and all the crews to use the buddy system. Try not to do things by yourself, and you want to have somebody there if you do pass out from heat stress or heat stroke. It’s very common especially out here,” said Smith.
Clothing can also make a big impact on how you feel in the sun.
“People think that wearing long sleeves will be worse for you but in some cases, it’s better because it removes the direct sunlight from your skin. It does help with some people I know some people that prefer it,” said Smith.
The area is under another heat advisory tomorrow from 10 a.m. until 7 p.m.
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