Residents rely on boats to travel due to heavy flooding in neighborhood
LOWNDES COUNTY,Miss. (WCBI) – Floodwaters have several neighborhoods underwater and residents stuck inside their homes.
People said every day is like waking up in a nightmare. They can’t see the street or even their mailboxes.
All they can do is wait.
“I was praying this wouldn’t happen again but here we are,” said homeowner Will Cooper.
Everywhere he looed, he saw water.
Cooper lives in Pirate’s Cove, a highly flood-prone area in Lowndes County.
“You can’t even get to your house, then of course with all this water it just makes it enough living,” said Cooper.
The water was 10-15 feet deep, and it caused folks to dust off their boats and canoes to travel outside their homes.
Floodwaters have also affected personal resources.
“Our septic tanks don’t work, you can’t flush the toilets, you can’t take showers, baths. I can tell you this, it’s kind of a depressing feeling to be in the house with 5 dogs that can’t even go outside to use the bathroom, it’s pretty tough,” said Cooper.
That’s why neighbors came together, going door to door to check-in on families who are still trapped inside their homes.
“They do pull together and they help. We have all been to everybody’s house getting everything out of the water and trying to move freezers, sofas, couches, you know everything. From TVs, you name it, so this community does a great job pulling together and help each other. This year we didn’t think it’ll be as high so we didn’t put stuff, you know, as high but yet here we are. You’re constantly moving things so there’s plenty to do,” said Cooper.
In the meantime, the people that live in this neighborhood said they’ll continue to pitch in supplies until the water begins to go down.
“There’s not much you can do. It’s Mother Nature and God at work and you just kinda sit back and take it,” said Cooper.
Many that live in the Pirate’s Cove area hoped the water will be low enough for them to return home on Monday and then the clean-up begins.
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