Reminder to voters ahead of June 26 Democratic run-off

Heads up voters. If you’re planning to vote in the upcoming run-off election, you might want to recall which party you voted for in the original primaries.

If you voted Republican in the June 5 primaries, you will NOT be able to vote in the June 26 run-off.

That upcoming election is the Democratic run-off for the senate race.

David Baria and Howard Sherman are locked in for that election.

Sample Ballot

Of course if you voted Democrat in the previous election, you can cast your ballot in the upcoming run-off.

Also, if you didn’t previously cast a vote for either party, you can do so on the June 26 run-off.

REMINDER: This run-off effects Democratic voters only. Voters who cast Republican ballots on June 5 can not vote in the Democratic run-off.

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