Rain chance returns tomorrow

COLUMBUS, Mississippi (WCBI)- Tonight looks to be calm and seasonable, rain chances pick back up tomorrow morning and continue into the afternoon.


TONIGHT: A nice and quiet night is ahead for us as temperatures drop into the low to mid 70s. The sky will be mostly clear except a few passing clouds with light winds from the north.

TOMORROW: As you walk out the door tomorrow morning temperatures will start to climb out of the 70s fairly quickly, and there is a chance of some showers moving through from the north. That shower/storm chance will persist into the afternoon hours, offering spotty rain chances and maybe a few rumbles of thunder. Highs tomorrow will be in the low 90s, but areas that see morning rain and clouds could be stunted in their heating, leading to lower high temperatures. Lows Wednesday will once again be in the low to mid 70s, and we should be in for a calm evening after the shower activity from the day comes to a rest.


REST OF WEEKThursday and Friday look to trend up in temperatures as highs both days are expected to reach the upper 90s. Both days will carry with them scattered afternoon rain chances, but Friday appears to have a greater chance of rain and possibly some storms. Humidity will continue to come back for these next few days. There will be enough humidity to push feels like temps into dangerous territory in regards to heat stress, so be on the look out for heat alerts from the National Weather Service. Seasonable nights are expected with lows in the low to mid 70s.

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