Reform works to build new water plant

Operations Manager for Insight Engineering Jonathan Bonner says the current water system in Reform hasn't been updated since 1923, and every day, it's on the verge of collapse.

REFORM, Ala. (WCBI) -For a while, the city of Reform has been in deep water in a difficult situation with its water supply. The city is working to fix the situation and they are in the midst of building a new water plant. Mayor Melody Davis has made it her mission to build new wells and water lines in the…

Thursday night’s storm explained

COLUMBUS, Mississippi (WCBI) – Hot, steamy weather led to a few intense storms across east Mississippi and west Alabama late Thursday afternoon, May 9th. So, what happened? And why? Let’s take a closer look >> This is a sampling of the atmosphere in Jackson, MS shortly after 7 PM Thursday. While this isn’t exactly representative of the air over Columbus, it…

Smoother roads ahead in West Point

WEST POINT, Miss. (WCBI) – If you’ve been driving through West Point in the past few months, you’ve probably been sharing the road with some heavy equipment. The city is in the midst of what Mayor Rod Bobo describes as a “massive” street paving project. The latest phase is tackling about 10 miles worth of mill and overlay on 40…

Emancipation celebration that pre-dates Juneteenth continues in Columbus

COLUMBUS, Miss. (WCBI) – Most people associate the Emancipation of former slaves with Juneteenth, especially since it was made a Federal Holiday in 2021. But in Columbus there is an older tradition of celebrating Emancipation Day, and it also comes a month earlier on the calendar. On May 8th 1865, Union troops arrived in Columbus from Alabama, effectively freeing African-Americans…

Tenants React to Poor Living Conditions at Southview Apartments

ABERDEEN, Miss. (WCBI) -“Nobody deserves to live like this,” said a Southview Tenant. “WCBI has received several calls and emails about the living conditions here at Southview Apartment,” said Shawanda Jones. “Faulty electrical wiring, mold infestations, and as you take a look at your screen, you can even see a sink in a tenant’s floor. Now this happens all too…

World War Two veteran gets high school diploma

The 99 year old hero says the honor was worth the wait

MANTACHIE, MISS. (WCBI) – For Henry Clifton Cockrell, getting his high school diploma, more than eighty years after his classmates, was worth the wait. “It took me a long time to get through school, a long time,” Cockrell said. Cockrell’s family were sharecroppers in Itawamba County, and when he was 13 or so, Cockrell had to quit school, to work…

Louisville names street after a former high school

LOUISVILLE, Miss. (WCBI) “Trojans 4 Life”, that is what graduates of the former Louisville Colored High School call themselves. Trojans was the nickname of their school. Today those graduates saw a street in the city renamed “Trojan way” to help keep the memory of the school alive. Billy Metts, a graduate and president of the Trojan 4 Life organization, said…