Elvis Presley Lake in Lee County reopens for recreation
A popular fishing and recreation spot is open again in Lee County. The Elvis Presley Lake reopened to the public after it was shut down for renovations.
A popular fishing and recreation spot is open again in Lee County. The Elvis Presley Lake reopened to the public after it was shut down for renovations.
The month of May is recognized as National Stroke Awareness Month. That is why area hospitals are reminding people about the warning signs of a stroke.
A manhunt is underway for a convicted child molester after standing trial in Lowndes County for the sexual battery of a 13-year-old girl.
A Lee County company that makes custom blue jeans for athletes and entertainers is expanding. Once work begins, the expansion should take about six months.
Memorial Day is the unofficial start to summer and the Summer Vacation Season. While some people are traveling, others are choosing to stay close to home.
Bond was set for the men charged in a Clay County homicide. Stededric Griffis was charged with murder. His bond was set at $750,000.
If a neighborhood is a hot spot for crime or is even perceived to be, people are generally reluctant to move there.
It’s never too early to start exploring careers. Students at West Elementary School in Oktibbeha County participated in a career fair.
An agency dedicated to helping others is facing struggles of its own this year. The recently expanded United Way of the Golden Triangle Region has taken in four new counties in its service area.
Lowndes Eddie Hawkins said Elonzo Latham was supposed to show up for closing arguments of his sexual battery trial after lunch today.
A Plantersville woman pleaded guilty to using her incarcerated sister’s identity to get unemployment benefits.
Glenn Spitler is a retired U.S. veteran. He has owned his home in East Columbus since 1954. But in recent years, damage to the roof has been causing damage to other parts of the home.
Temperatures are on the rise, and this can be harmful to many people who have to work outside. Too much exposure to sunlight could be very harmful to your skin.
Sheriff Eddie Scott said changes to the county’s nightclub ordinance are helping his investigators identify witnesses and possible suspects.
Noxubee County deputies are looking for who is responsible for shooting someone inside their home.
A dip in a Monroe County creek quickly turned dangerous for a group of swimmers. Monroe County Sheriff Kevin Crook told WCBI deputies responded to the call Saturday around 5 p.m.
When he retired in 1989, John C. Stennis was the second-longest serving U.S. Senator and had never lost an election.
he Salvation Army is once again helping families with a summer food drive. From May 20 to May 30, the organization is ensuring to help restock the pantry for families in need.
A sharp-eyed employee helped lead Starkville police to a burglary suspect. Officers were called to Industrial Recyclers of Mississippi on Clark Road.
A traffic stop in Itawamba County left one man facing several different drug charges and felony escape.
This is Emergency Medical Services Week in Mississippi. This is the 50th anniversary of National EMS Week.
Mississippi State’s spring semester has come to a close, seniors have graduated and many students have moved home for the summer. With many of the students leaving, local shops and restaurants may experience a decrease in foot traffic.
STARKVILLE, Miss. (WCBI) – Children are removed from their homes because parents can no longer care for them or because parents are not caring for them at all. It happens for all sorts of reasons. That’s where foster parents come in. People who step up and help until permanent homes can be found. The Mississippi Department of Child Protection Services…
STARKVILLE, Miss. (WCBI) – Starkville Police have charged three people in an aggravated assault case. On Friday, May 17th at 12:23 a.m., off-duty and on-duty officers heard gunshots and responded to S. Montgomery Street. The shooting took place at the intersection of South Montgomery Street and Yellow Jacket Drive. Starkville police charged Marcuevas Guido with aggravated assault. During the investigation,…