Major Break In Case Of Missing Monroe County Man, Murdered In December

MONROE COUNTY, MISS. (WCBI) – It is a major break for investigators looking for a missing Monroe County man, believed to have been murdered last month. After weeks of tracking down leads, and talking to numerous people, in the search for 39-year-old Jack Cowan, investigators ended up at the Cedar Grove Cemetery in Hamilton. “Thankfully the body had not been…

Home Depot Associates Give Back To Area Schools

TUPELO, MISS. (WCBI) – Ten schools across Northeast Mississippi will receive thousands of dollars in cleaning and sanitation supplies, thanks to Home Depot. Associates at the Tupelo Home Depot store have come in on their day off, volunteering to make a difference for schools throughout the region. Yreyrey Perez spent her morning helping pack sixty-five-gallon buckets full of cleaning and…

Bullys closet and pantry is happily awaiting donations

STARKVILLE, Miss. (WCBI)- It’s happened to many of us. That moment when life hits you; for some college students, a financial bump in the road may leave them without the essentials for daily life, and with no place to go for help. At Mississippi State, organizers are helping students that face that challenge. 2 words happen more than you might…

ICC Partners With Illinois Company For Industrial Maintenance Training

TUPELO, MISS. (WCBI) – A partnership between Itawamba Community College and an Illinois based company is expected to be a big boost to Mississippi’s skilled technical workforce. As ICC President Doctor Jay Allen was signing a Memorandum of Understanding with Advanced Technology Services, a class on precision measuring was taking place at the opposite end of the Belden Center. Under…

Fleitas Enters Tupelo Mayor’s Race In The Democrat Primary

TUPELO, MISS. (WCBI) – An attorney is running for mayor of Tupelo in the Democrat primary. Victor Fleitas is the first Democrat to announce his candidacy for mayor of the all America City. Fleitas specializes in felony criminal defense, civil rights and employment law.  He says he began thinking about running for mayor when Jason Shelton announced he would not…

New information regarding scheduling the COVID-19 vaccine

JACKSON, Miss. (WCBI) – Governor Tate Reeves says the state of Mississippi passed a major milestone over the weekend. As of today, more than 100,000 Mississippians have been vaccinated. Almost 10,000 Mississippians have received both doses of vaccine. However, right now there are more people who are interested in being vaccinated than there are available doses. Reeves says The Federal…

Giving back at the King Center

STARKVILLE, Miss. (WCBI)- A day of donating and making a change was spread through Oktibbeha County. Starkville Strong and Black Girls Rock of Mississippi partnered to bring a day of service to the community. From 9 a.m. Until 1 p.m. Food, groceries, and hygiene items were given to anyone who walked by and drove up to the J.L King Center….

Volunteers clean up church honoring MLK

STARKVILLE, Miss (WCBI)- Martin Luther King Day Events continued with a local church doing their part to commemorate Dr. King. First Baptist Church of Longview had their graveyard cleaned and ditches cleared from 8-10 a.m. Volunteers of the Longview Disciple 4-H Club got their hands dirty to help the local church, show unity, and demonstrate tactics Dr. King put in…

Macon residents honor Dr. King with service and social distance

MACON, Miss. (WCBI) – Service – socially distanced. That’s how people in Macon are honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. A motorcade began at the parking lot of the New Home Building Store. Cars and drivers ended at the Noxubee County Civic Center. Everyone contributed canned goods and non-perishable items as part of the NAACP sponsored Day of Service. “We…

Police Academy Cadets And Reporter Learn First Hand About OC Spray

TUPELO, MISS. (WCBI) – It was a day cadets at the North Mississippi Law Enforcement Training Center will always remember. Twenty cadets went through the “OC spray course,” along with WCBI’s Allie Martin. As week one wrapped up for Class B 66, cadets spent several hours in the classroom, learning about OC Spray, also known as pepper spray. OC spray…

NEMCC Nursing Students Get Hands On Experience With COVID-19 Vaccine

BOONEVILLE, MISS. (WCBI) – Senior citizens across the state are getting their Covid 19 vaccinations.  Appointments have filled up quickly, and at one hospital, future nurses are helping meet the demand. Seventy-nine-year-old Truman Duncan arrived early for his appointment at Baptist Memorial Hospital in Booneville for his Covid 19 vaccine. Giving Duncan the vaccine, Olivia Bullock, a first-year student in…

OCH Regional Medical Center among clinics adjusting to Gov. Reeves changing vaccination plan

STARKVILLE, Miss. (WCBI) – Some healthcare workers and administrators were taken by surprise Tuesday when Governor Tate Reeves announced a change to the Mississippi State Department of Health’s vaccination schedule. “Our understanding since the fall was that we would not open up shots to the 65 and older population until mid-February,” said OCH Regional Medical Center Interim Chief Nursing Officer…

Community Recovery of Lowndes County completes first home

COLUMBUS, Miss. (WCBI)- The EF-3 tornado of 2019 displaced several Columbus families for months. Debris lined the streets, and most people were uncertain where they would lay their heads next. Fortunately, community organizations worked tirelessly to get families back in their homes.  And now, one home is finished.  “It’s a whole different mood. It’s a whole different emotion. I was…

Mississippi Fire Chiefs Conference comes to Starkville as first responders adapt to how COVID-19 is changing fire service

STARKVILLE, Miss. (WCBI) – Close to 100 different leaders from fire departments across the state of Mississippi came to Starkville Monday for the annual Mississippi Fire Chiefs Conference. The three-day event featured vendors displaying the latest in equipment for first responders and guest speakers that included Mississippi State Women’s Basketball Coach Nikki McCray and Atlanta Fire Chief Randal Slaughter. It…

New Extra Curricular Club For Amory Students Teaches Hunter Safety

AMORY, MISS. (WCBI) – An extracurricular club for students in Amory is teaching participants about hunter safety while letting students enjoy a popular outdoor sport. Once a week, Amory Junior and High school students, under the watchful eyes of sponsors and instructors, gather on a range, to shoot skeet. Amory formed its skeet shooting club this year.  The club is…