Stores are trying to restock inventory after the ice storm

GOLDEN TRIANGLE, Miss. (WCBI)- Some people were quicker than others getting to grocery stores and stocking up on supplies. The ice storm, last week, pushed people to prepare for the worst and grab as much as possible; this ultimately left grocery stores with large gaps and empty shelves. “We did get a few trucks in last week, but the time…

Convicted Felon Accused In Stabbing Death Of Lee County Man

LEE COUNTY, MISS. (WCBI) – A convicted felon is accused of stabbing a man to death. Lee County deputies were able to quickly make an arrest. But investigators say the deadly incident highlights what they call a major problem with the criminal justice system. While a suspect was quickly arrested in the latest Lee County homicide, the sheriff says the…

Insurance agencies are eager to help get people’s damages fixed

EUPORA, Miss. (WCBI)- The cold weather has left many stuck in their homes for the week; however being at home isn’t all that glamorous either. Power outages and storm damage to vehicles and houses have been reported throughout the area. Insurance agents have had their work cut out for them, receiving calls about weather damage they’re not used to. “I’ve…

Lowndes Co. supervisors take next steps in moving Confederate monument

LOWNDES COUNTY, Miss. (WCBI) – Lowndes County supervisors take the next to move a Confederate monument from the courthouse lawn. County leaders accepted a 47,000 dollar bid from Columbus Marble Works. The company will dismantle the monument and store it until it is time to rebuild it at Friendship Cemetery. Danny’s Custom Backhoe will destroy the base that the monument…

Ice Causes Canopy To Collapse Onto Convenience Store Gas Pumps

LEE COUNTY, MISS. (WCBI) – The ice is being blamed for causing a gas pump canopy at a Lee County convenience store to collapse. The owner of the “Skyline Super C” store says he heard a loud noise around 1 twenty this afternoon, then he saw the roof of the canopy collapse onto the gas pumps. Luckily, no one was…

Landscaping Company Owner Tweaks Business Model During Ice And Snow Storm

TUPELO, MISS. (WCBI) – The owner of a landscaping company is tweaking his business model during the ice and snowstorms. February is typically slow for landscaping companies, but not long after the winter storms blew through, the owner of Cornerstone Landscapes, found there was lots of work for his employees, providing a valuable service to local businesses. Early Thursday morning,…

4 County Electric is working to bring back the power

NORTH MISSISSIPPI (WCBI) – It’s been years since most Mississippians have seen this kind of ice storm. This week ice has managed to close much of the state and, now the weight of the ice has tugged at tree limbs and brought down power lines. http:/ There were some people without power since Monday, but most of the problem came…

Truck drivers are cautious and eager to get back rolling

COLUMBUS, Miss. (WCBI)-  The people who move the nation are slowly but surely getting back on the road. Truck drivers are being very cautious while on their routes, and some have even come to a full stop. “The best thing is to be patient and just stay slow,” said truck driver Bruce Smith. That is the motto truck drivers are…

Starkville, Oktibbeha County try to weather winter storms through impassable roads, hundreds of traffic incidents and limited resources

STARKVILLE, Miss. (WCBI) – Oktibbeha County got some of the worst of the winter storms that have left numerous drivers stranded and caused law enforcement to declare certain roads impassable. “This is not a normal event that people in the South deal with,” said Oktibbeha County EMA Director Kristen Campanella. “So there’s not a tremendous amount of supplies, such as salt,…

Grocery store workers are working hard to restock shelves

COLUMBUS, Miss. (WCBI) – Workers at the Sunflower in Columbus restocked shelves as customers made a careful trip to the store. It doesn’t happen often. But the store on Alabama Street closed for two days – with their own employee’s safety in mind. Today the store filled up quickly with shoppers who tell us they were looking for bread, milk,…

Nonprofit group in Starkville fed the employees at OCH

OKTIBBEHA COUNTY, Miss. (WCBI) – A nonprofit group in Starkville is making sure patients and employees at OCH Regional Medical Center have staples to prepare meals. After finding out the hospital needed extra food for workers who have been staying overnight because of dangerous driving conditions, “Well Southern Foundation” stepped in to help. Volunteers from the organization loaded up milk,…

MHP advises drivers to stay at home unless it is an emergency

STARKVILLE, Miss. (WCBI) – State troopers have been working accidents all day long. The Mississippi Highway Patrol is encouraging people to only travel if it is an emergency. Road and bridges quickly became sheets of ice today, as freezing rain, snow, and sleet fell. Traffic was much lighter but there were those who ventured out. Troop G in Starkville has…

GTR warming shelter moves location to accommodate more people

LOWNDES COUNTY, Miss. (WCBI) – The GTR Homeless Coalition and Columbus Community Outreach are relocating the warming shelter from the Salvation Army to First Baptist Church in Columbus. Board members say there weren’t enough electrical outlets to operate space heaters, making it challenging to keep folks in a comfortable area. In the new location, 16 beds are available for those…

Tupelo Junior Auxiliary’s Charity Ball Goes Virtual This Year

TUPELO, MISS. (WCBI) – The only fundraiser for the Junior Auxiliary of Tupelo will take place in a virtual format this year. The annual Charity Ball raises money for JA’s programs that help children and families throughout the community. J A members spent part of their day at the Bancorpsouth Arena, making gift baskets for sponsors of this year’s virtual…

National Guard is doing their part in helping the community

COLUMBUS, Miss. (WCBI)- More and more people are able to get a COVID-19 vaccine. Hospitals and retailers are providing them, but the bulk of the work is being done by the National Guard. The job is simple; get as many people vaccinated as possible. “Our mission is to provide vaccines for the local community,” said Captain Vernon West. This battle…

Arrest Made In Murder Of Booneville Woman

PRENTISS COUNTY, MISS. (WCBI) – A Booneville man is arrested and charged with the murder of a woman who was reported missing last week. Forty two year old Tiffany Copeland was last seen February 2nd at a Booneville apartment complex. A missing person’s report was filed three days later. Her phone was pinged to the Blackland area of Prentiss County….

Community organizations are lending a helping hand to those in need

LOWNDES COUNTY, Miss. (WCBI) – Dozens of people receive enough goods to stock up their pantry.  The United Way of Lowndes and Noxubee Counties and the Helping Hands sported today’s event.  Canned goods and sweet potatoes were given to those in need.  The sweet potatoes were delivered this morning.  Organizers say food giveaways are not just important, they are necessary. …

Best of the Class

THANK YOU TO ALL WHO PARTICIPATED IN WCBI’S BEST OF THE CLASS 2017! Heritage Academy Nanih Waiya High School New Hope High School Starkville Academy Lamar County High School Noxubee County High School West Point High School South Lamar High School Pontotoc High School Eupora High School Louisville High School Caledonia High School West Lowndes High School Booneville High School…

Video Services of WCBI

VIDEO SERVICES OF WCBI …OFFERING CREATIVE VIDEO SOLUTIONS FOR ALL OF YOUR PROFESSIONAL NEEDS. Aerial Video/Photography Special Events & Programs/Presentations Training/Safety Videos Social/Civic Club Videos Video Tours Web Videos 3-D Animation Whether large or small, Video Services of WCBI can make all your video ideas become reality. Contact us today for a quote on your next project! *PLEASE NOTE: All…

Health Talk with Baptist

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MBI takes control of officer involved shooting case in Oxford

OXFORD, Miss. (WCBI) – State investigators have taken over a deadly officer-involved shooting case in Oxford. Oxford police say the shooting happened Monday night. In a social media post, OPD said an officer attempted to stop a vehicle and the driver fled. The driver was Clay Tatum, 38, of Lafayette County. There was a pursuit and when the vehicle stopped,…