Holiday plans are underway and so is a new surge of COVID-19

GOLDEN TRIANGLE, Miss. (WCBI) – As Mississippians get their holiday travel plans underway, state health officials want them to remember that the pandemic hasn’t gone anywhere. Because while holiday cheer is nice, it doesn’t stop COVID-19. For many in Mississippi and all over the United States, the most wonderful time of the year is a time for family and friends…

Bankfirst paid tribute to local community helper

COLUMBUS, Miss. (WCBI) – A local bank is paying tribute to a man known for keeping the community clean. This morning Bankfirst honored Stan Glover. Glover is known around the Columbus downtown area for picking up garbage off the streets and commercial properties. Bankfirst employees presented Glover with a plaque and special letter of commendation to recognize his special deeds….

Oktibbeha County NAACP sang carols in Starkville

OKTIBBEHA COUNTY, Miss. (WCBI) – Songs of the season. Members of the Oktibbeha County branch of the NAACP spread Christmas cheer today with caroling and gifts. The group stopped by the Oktibbeha County Sheriff’s department to sing a few tunes and present gifts to the inmates. Before going to the sheriff’s department, they visited residents and workers at Starkville Manor…

Columbus to bury another time capsule

COLUMBUS, Miss. (WCBI) – Columbus city leaders have one more event to mark the city’s Bicentennial. Inspired by the Leigh Mall time capsule opened earlier this year, Mayor Keith Gaskin announces that the city will be burying another one to give future residents a look at Columbus in 2021. Gaskin is inviting residents to bring personal items to put in…

Behold Home opens Amory plant to meet demand from retail partners

The Amory plant is the third location for the Smithville based company

AMORY, MISS. (WCBI) – A Northeast Mississippi based furniture manufacturer is celebrating a big year in 2021. It has been a banner year for Behold Home and on this day, three days before Christmas, CEO Lyle Harris was serving lunch to employees at the company’s newest plant in Amory. The Amory plant opened earlier this month with one production line,…

Columbus AFB delivered gifts to elderly residents

COLUMBUS, Miss. (WCBI) – Thanks to a Columbus Air Force Base tradition, dozens of elderly residents are enjoying baskets full of fresh fruit and goodies. The honor guard delivered the goods this morning. The fruit baskets are part of the “Happy Christmas Fund.” It was created by Happy Irby who was a longtime employee of the Columbus Club at the…

A fatal shooting has police searching for witnesses

LOWNDES COUNTY, Miss. (WCBI) – A plea for help after a young man is gunned down just days before Christmas. Lowndes County investigators believe there are witnesses. Those deputies also want you to know you can help them solve this crime anonymously. Crime scene tape lays in the shadows of Christmas decorations on Kaye Drive and blood stains the pavement….

1 Dead in Lowndes County shooting

Sheriff's investigators working a fatal shooting in Columbus Heights neighborhood

LOWNDES COUNTY, Miss. (WCBI) – Investigators with the Lowndes County Sheriff’s Department are investigating a fatal shooting in the Columbus Heights Neighborhood. Deputies responded to a report of shots fired in the area of Kaye Drive in eastern Lowndes County, just off of South Lehmberg Road. Lowndes County Sheriif Eddie Hawkins tells WCBI when they got there, they found a…

Law enforcement agencies want to connect with their community

An increase in crime has local law enforcement examining their tactics

NOXUBEE COUNTY, Miss. (WCBI)- An increase in crime has local law enforcement examining their tactics. Members of the district attorney’s office met with agencies in Noxubee County to share information and brush up on procedures. “A lot of officers don’t get to testify in trial often but when they do it’s good to have that training on what to expect…

Tupelo Police Chief to retire after more than four decades of service

Chief Jackie Clayton has seen many changes during his time as a law officer

TUPELO, MISS. (WCBI) – A well-known face in law enforcement will retire at the end of this year. “I wasn’t the type of person who wanted to be a cop, or anything like that when I was a kid,” said Tupelo Police Chief Jackie Clayton. It wasn’t until Jackie Clayton went to Northeast Mississippi Community College and took law enforcement…

Partnership Middle School students greeted with Christmas favorites

STARKVILLE, Miss. (WCBI) – Students at Partnership Middle School were greeted with sounds of season this morning. As they rode through the carpool lane, members of the 7th grade and their teacher, Kathy Baker, played several Christmas favorites. There was even a dancing Christmas tree. She had some fancy footwork to accompany “Joy to the World”, “Oh Come All Ye…

SPD hosted an Angel Tree at department headquarters

STARKVILLE, Miss. (WCBI) – “Protect and Serve”, it’s a common motto among Police Departments. Today, Starkville Police were emphasizing the “serve”. This Christmas season, the department has been helping Child Protection Services play Santa to some children in need. SPD hosted an Angel Tree at department headquarters. Residents were able to adopt “angels” from the tree, and buy gifts for…

Columbus High and Middle School Choir sang for first responders

COLUMBUS, Miss. (WCBI) – The Columbus High School Choir, with backing vocals from Columbus Middle Schoolers, wishes a musical Merry Christmas to Columbus’s first responders. The choir stopped by Fire Station One on 7th Street to serenade firefighters with Christmas Carols. The students wanted to do something special for the folks that help keep their city safe. Categories: Local News

Lee County man is facing several child abuse charges

LEE COUNTY, Miss. (WCBI) – A Lee County man is facing several child abuse charges. One of those is considered torture. 29-year-old Jeremy Lane Williams is charged with four counts of felony child abuse and one count aggravated assault domestic violence. Lee County deputies were called to a home on County Road 506 in Shannon this past Tuesday. Williams was…

Calhoun County couple facing child neglect charges

CALHOUN COUNTY, Miss. (WCBI) – A Calhoun County couple is facing child neglect charges. Kristan Malone and Darell Smallwood were both arrested by Calhoun County deputies. Sheriff Greg Pollan says the arrests came after a Child Protective Services investigation and drug test. The investigation is continuing. Categories: Crime, Local News

Local officials want to see youth crime rates decrease

School shootings and crime have been on the rise nationwide

COLUMBUS, Miss. (WCBI)- The children are the future, and to keep that future bright; kids have to be safe. School shootings and crime have been on the rise nationwide; at. Local school officials and law enforcement want to see the kids in the community succeed in all aspects of life; doing that starts with keeping youth away from violence. “Children…

Local businesses are working to prevent shoplifting incidents

People may not see them, but shoplifters are waiting to make their next move

COLUMBUS, Miss. (WCBI)- Grocery stores in our area are seeing an uptick in shoplifting. People may not see them, but shoplifters are waiting to make their next move. Over at Sunflower Food Store on Alabama Street in Columbus; store manager Kendrix Morris said theft is becoming a re-occurring issue for grocery markets in the community. Morris and his team are…

Revive church in Columbus gives toys to the community

The church collected money for a year to give back around Christmas to people that make positive impacts in their hometown

COLUMBUS, Miss. (WCBI)- One local church had different, but meaningful Sunday service. Revive Church in Columbus held a Giving Hope service for people and families in the area. The congregation collected funds for nearly a year to buy gifts for families who have impacted the community. And the church gave away items you usually don’t find under the Christmas tree….

Columbus city leaders teamed up to buy Christmas gifts

Participants were selected from different schools in the area.

LOWNDES COUNTY,Miss. (WCBI)- Columbus city leaders teamed up to buy Christmas gifts. The Lowndes County Benefit Committee, Lowndes County Sheriffs Department, the city of Columbus, and Walmart partnered to host a first ever Shop with a Cop. Lieutenant Rhonda Sanders says the decision comes after there was a shipping delay for the annual bike drive. Up to 30 families were…

Weather Whys- Dew point

COLUMBUS, MISS (WCBI): Mississippi is one of the most humid places in the United States. When talking about hot summer days or severe weather, you’ll often hear a meteorologist mention ‘dew point’. But what exactly is dew point, and what is the significance of it? Meteorologist Christian Bridges breaks it down in this week’s weather whys.   Categories: Featured, Local…