Army of volunteers makes local fundraiser possible every year

Salvation Army Women's Auxiliary works through the year helping make sure that daily meals are provided for the needy

Holly Rogers used to help her Dad deliver meals as part of the Salvation Army’s Thanksgiving and, Christmas outreaches. And for this Empty Bowls Fundraiser, Rogers is working the ‘Steals and Deals’ table, as part of the Salvation Army Women’s Auxiliary.

Trinity Place Retirement Community residents celebrate Mardi Gras

The Mardi Gras veterans snacked on treats like King Cake and grape ice cream floats, while enjoying the tunes of the holiday.

COLUMBUS, MISS. – Trinity Place Retirement Community residents let the good times roll to celebrate Fat Tuesday. Community members, staff, along with WCBI’S  Kealy Shields and Kailey Cox, marched down the halls to pass out beads, moon pies, masks, and rubber ducks. The Mardi Gras veterans snacked on treats like King Cake and grape ice cream floats, while enjoying the tunes…