PICKENS COUNTY, Ala. Storm Shelters
751 5th St Nw (Near Joyful News Headstart)
332 3rd Ave Ne (Near State Farm Insurance Co)
Benevola community:
Benevola Community Center (Co. Rd 2)
Big Creek/Hughestown:
897 Roland Bates Rd (off of Basinger Rd)
41 Elliott St. (Beside Post Office and Probate Bldg)
Forest community:
71 Co Rd 89 (Off County Rd 30 by Forest Methodist Church) Ethelsville
Friendship community:
260 Friendship Ch. Rd (Friendship Church off AL Hwy 17)
1st Ave W (Next to Gordo Flea Market)
Hinton Place community:
1184 M L King Road
Kirk community:
11995 Benevola Rd (Kirk Fire Dept)
11 Jackson-Ferry Rd (Hwy 14 before St. John Baptist Church)
240 Shade Road (Pickensville off Hwy 14)
Palmetto community:
51 School Circle (Palmetto Community Center/Fire Dept)
Poplar Springs/Stansel:
107 Poplar Springs Rd (Near Poplar Springs Church)
602 1st Ave E (New Fire Dept)
Hwy 17 Bypass (Old Fire Dept)
Reform City Park
Sapps community:
4216 M L King Rd
Summerville community:
7420 County Rd 13
Tabernacle community:
112 Bains Road, Ethelsville
Zion community:
3368 Zion Rd (Old Community Center, behind Fire Dept)