Philadelphia plans to have a Super Bowl victory parade for the Eagles on Friday

PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Sources from Associated Press say that the Philadelphia Eagles are planning to celebrate their Super Bowl victory with a parade in the city on Friday, February 14, a team official, and the city said Monday, February 17.
Team President Don Smolenski discussed the parade during an appearance on 94WIP sports radio, though the time and other details were not disclosed. He noted that the threat of severe weather in the region this week — including a potential snowstorm from Tuesday afternoon through Wednesday — played a role in picking a date.
“Just watching the weather and we’ve got some snow coming this week, so we want to be respectful for the city to do what they need to do, Smolenski said. ”And one extra day of planning doesn’t hurt. You know what, it’s a nice way to kick off the weekend.”
Philadelphia mayor’s office confirmed the date later Monday. “We will release more details soon,” it said in a social media post.
Eagles fans came out in droves to celebrate the team’s win once the game concluded Sunday night, February 9, but police said no major problems or injuries were reported. Police made 10 arrests overall, including six people who were charged with assaulting officers.
City crews were still working late Monday morning to clear confetti, trash, and other debris from some spots downtown area.
The city’s celebration following their win in the NFC Championship game last month was marred when a college student fell after climbing a street pole and died from his injuries.
The Eagles were expected to return to Philadelphia late Monday afternoon, and a large contingent of fans was expected to greet them.